Guru Brahmanand Kanya Mahavidyalaya Anjanthali organized a national webinar on the topic 'Wealth Creation through Financial Investments' under the joint aegis of Association of Mutual Funds in India. Suryakant Sharma, Senior Advisor, Association of Mutual Funds in India participated in the program as the key note speaker. He also discussed about financial investment related government and non-government schemes like PPF, Sukanya Samridhi RBI Bond Sovereign Gold Also light on the importance of vibration. Along with this, cautioned that one should be cautious of fraudulent schemes like chit funds and should not invest without thinking. At the end of the program, he answered the questions asked by all the participants and also resolved their doubts. More than 350 people, including many principals, teachers and students from educational institutions across the country, registered for the programme, in which about 250 people participated directly in the webinar and others participated in the live streaming on Youth. Information given about financial investment
Many principals, teachers and students from educational institutions across the country as well as more than 350 people from other sections of the society registered for the programme, of which about 250 people participated live in the webinar and others watched the live streaming on YouTube. Organized under the leadership of Principal Dr. Giani Devi, this program was coordinated and conducted by IQAC in-charge Dr. Aarti Bhatnagar, in which Dr. Radhika, Assistant professor of commerce department, cooperated. Principal Dr. Giani Devi said that to become self-reliant, today's girls need to be self-reliant even in the matter of financial planning. Keeping this need in mind, this program was organized by the college to create financial awareness among the girl students.